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Beat the Heat!

Whether you have air conditioning or not, it can be hard to keep cool during the hot summer months that we all LOVE here in Minnesota!


I try VERY hard not to complain, since we get so few months to enjoy warmth outdoors, but some days (and nights!) the heat and humidity can be almost unbearable.

Maybe you have central air throughout your house, or maybe you don’t have any at all. Maybe you have an air conditioner but want to try use it as little as possible to save on energy costs (I fall into this category), or maybe you have a window unit that only cools certain parts of your home (I also fall into this category).

No matter what your situation, did you know there are ways to beat the heat without even having to turn on the air conditioner?

It’s true! You can simply google “how to stay cool without an air conditioner,” and you’ll find many different lists and tips–some that I had heard of, and others not. Below I’ve compiled a list for you based on the tips that I found the most helpful (and ones that I am most likely to, or already use):

For right now:

1. Close windows & blinds during the day (keeps the sun from causing the temp to creep up inside your home).

2. Open windows at night (if you have a temperature gauge in your house & outside, monitor the temps and as soon as it gets cooler outside than it is inside your house–open up those windows! (but don’t forget about #1!)

3. Get air moving. By putting fans in windows, you can create much needed air movement as well as push some of the warm air back outside. You can even create a homemade “air-conditioner” by putting a pan filled with ice in front of a box fan.

4. Dress down. Wear light weight, light colored, loose fitting clothing.

5. Take a cold/cool shower. This is especially helpful to cool you down before going to bed at night.

6. Start grilling.  Using your oven or stove in the summer will make your house hotter.

7. Stay hydrated. Also avoid caffeine & alcoholic beverages that promote dehydration.

8. Go to a public place. When you really get desperate and need a break from the heat and/or humidity (and have transportation), go to a local business, coffee shop, or library that has air conditioning.

For later:

1. Plant trees in strategic locations to provide shade for your home. Specifically in areas where the sun shines in during the hottest part of the day (while this takes away from some natural light, it also makes a significant impact on the temperature of your home).

2. Install awnings.

3. Install attic insulation. This helps keep cool air from escaping your home.

For the complete lists I found for how to stay cool without AC, visit the following articles:

Make sure to also be aware of signs of heat exhaustion & heat stroke in yourself, children, & pets. Click here for signs to look for in your pets. Let’s enjoy the summer heat by staying cool!

We want to hear your ideas! Comment below or on our Facebook post and include tips you have to beat the heat!

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