We here at Bridges of Hope were blown away last Wednesday, when our supporters hit the $40,000 mark on our Fall Campaign.
In case you didn’t hear all the buzz, last Wednesday (November 16) was Give to the Max Day all over Minnesota–a 24-hour online giving EVENT for donors and nonprofits. In just one day, donors gave over 13 Million to charities across the state…and OUR supporters gave over $13,600 to Bridges of Hope, meeting our $10,000 match (and then some)–and pushing our Campaign total raised to just over $40,000 at about 11:15 PM that night.
Reaching $40,000 also meant we had more of our bridge to build, and you can watch a clip from Lakeland News here:
We’ve also created a photo album on Facebook to help keep you updated on the bridge’s progress; just click to “like” Bridges of Hope on Facebook, and you’ll get the updates on your news feed just as soon as we post them!

While it has been so exciting to reach $40,000 of our $60,000 goal in just 16 days, the generosity certainly hasn’t stopped since then!
To date, we have $18,700 left to raise of our $60,000 goal, which will ensure we can change the lives of 125 more families before year-end.
Just $150 supports our work with one family in need, or a monthly gift of $25 supports our work with TWO families over the course of a year.
Thank you for your support.