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How Are YOU Involved This Fall?

Fall is our busiest season here at Bridges of Hope and we  would love to have YOU join us! Here are a few updates about what we’ve been up to and how you can get involved:

  1. Mark your calendar for our Open House on November 15th and come check our our new office. Details will follow soon! Our sign went up today; check it out!

  2. Over 400 of you attended our Build

ing Bridges Event. Thank you!

  1. Have you signed up to sponsor a family for Thanksgiving or to become a mentor in our Side by Side Program? It’s not too late.

  2. We kicked off our Fall Fundraising Campaign. Can you help us reach our $60,000 goal?

  3. Don’t forget to shop at Common Goods!

With 400 more families likely to call Bridges of Hope this year for parenting support, help paying a utility bill, a Thanksgiving meal, or whatever the need may be, you can help! Please consider how you can share your time, talents & treasure with others during this fall season.

Thank you for helping us build Bridges!

Stay connected with Bridges of Hope:

  1. Read stories about families touched by Bridges.

  2. Subscribe to our eNewsletter on our website.

  3. Make a gift to support our work.

  4. “Like” us on Facebook to stay updated about our Open House and Fall Campaign.

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